Yesterday I said goodbye to my Alex
It was sad, I cried as we kissed outside his hotel.
Yes, I am sad. But more than anything I am very happy.
I couldn't be more excited for him, because of how excited he his.
Not only am I excited for him, but I'm excited for us.
The sooner this done with, the sooner we get our own place,
And the sooner we get to start our adventure.
Yes, I am going to miss him like crazy.
But I'm not going to fixate on the time he is gone.
I'm gonna get a lot of stuff done.
Kick out some New Years Resolutions,
And enjoy the time I have left with my family and friends,
till me and Alex get stationed somewhere new.
I'm so proud of him, and the choice he made for us
I know he is going to do so amazing at his job in communications.
I can't wait till we get to be together again and start our lives,
I'll be missin him, but for now I'll have to swoon over these :)