

Look how cute my little kitty Jacques is.
I have never ever been a cat person. Actually, if you were to ever ask me I would say I hate cats. But I got Jacques a back in August and he is seriously the cutest/coolest cat ever. Nobody in my family used to like cats, but everyone loves him.
Just thought I'd share how adorable he is.

P.S. Anyone participate in Black Friday?
I did. Went out last night with Michelle at 10:30..got back at 6:15. For real allnighter.
Then I got back up this morning and went to the 2 same places I went last night cause I think my brain was just too tired to remember what I needed to get.
Oh, and at Walmart I saw this crazy lady start a big fight over a trampoline. She like literally flipped out. Security had to come and all. Good times at the walmart I tell ya.

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